Defeating de Giants in ur life..
entry 12...
YC just finish a period of de topic GIANTS IN YOUR LIFE... This is something that mayb i can say a very important part of life tat we must not overlook... This Giants are refering 2 de things in life that is called temtations... As life goes on de Satan is always trying to take every opportunity he can to just put things in our life or just make us do stuff tat isn' t pleasing in God's eyes... These can just be little little things that we don't even realise that it is a really big disturbance 2 our lifes...Therefore we must realise or take note of all these GIANTS... It can be things like tv-vidoe games-porn or wateva...
YC just finish a period of de topic GIANTS IN YOUR LIFE... This is something that mayb i can say a very important part of life tat we must not overlook... This Giants are refering 2 de things in life that is called temtations... As life goes on de Satan is always trying to take every opportunity he can to just put things in our life or just make us do stuff tat isn' t pleasing in God's eyes... These can just be little little things that we don't even realise that it is a really big disturbance 2 our lifes...Therefore we must realise or take note of all these GIANTS... It can be things like tv-vidoe games-porn or wateva...